
broken clouds
humidity: 94%
wind: 0 mph


If your motto is Sushi, Cocktails, and Sunset then The Beach House Nicaragua is the place you are looking for when going around San Juan del Sur. This beachfront restaurant has the best sushi menu along with Nicaraguan very best seafood selection.

La Tostaderia gathers the best coffee beans from El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua to bring to your table a beverage unique experience. La Tostaderia combines traditional and modern brewing methods to ensure high quality. You’d love all-day breakfasts at this beautiful colonial building located just in front of San Juan del Sur bay. Get inspire by zipping the best coffee and enjoying the amazing view from its windows. La Avocaderia is open for dinners!

Open every day from 7:00 am – 7:00 pm. Fridays we close at 10:00 pm