
broken clouds
humidity: 89%
wind: 9.22 mph

how to get around

Once you have arrived, you have a few options regarding transportation during your trip.  If you are planning to be moving around a lot, car and 4×4 SUV rentals are available at the Managua Airport as well as Costa Esmeralda Airport.

local drivers

We suggest hiring a local experienced driver for your holiday trip. This can be your best option as getting around can be difficult, especially if your Spanish is not the best.
You can book sedans or even 10 people vans for groups and families.
Also, getting around to more secluded beaches can be difficult since not all roads are paved, so we recommend a 4x4.
Surfboards are no problem for our drivers to handle as Nicaragua is a famous surf destination.
We only work with professional, reliable and bilingual drivers. Feel free to book a driver directly with us or a full day tour.

Costa Esmeralda Airport - Alamo, National, Enterprise, Thrifty
Managua Airport - Alamo /National Enterprise, Dollar
San Juan Del Sur - Alamo, Budget

For Hacienda Iguana only - Within the community of Hacienda Iguana, you also have the option of renting golf carts, scooters, or bicycles. These rentals can be organized directly from Everyday Nicaragua, or at Stop N Go Surf market inside Hacienda Iguana Commercial Center. Motorcycles are also available for rent from NSR Surf Shop, also in the Hacienda Iguana Commercial Center.