
broken clouds
humidity: 66%
wind: 0 mph

Nicaraguan currency is Cordoba. BAC exchange fee in regard to the United States dollar is one of the most competitive in Nicaragua. BAC has many locations in Tola. You will find a complete service type of office in Tola city, then if you are staying around Salinas, Popoyo, Gigante, there's a nice Plaza called La Riviera, there you will find a BAC office.

Schedule & Locations

Tola: 08:30 am - 04:30 pm - located in Plaza La Rivera, nearby the entrance to Hacienda Iguana Beach Club & Resort
Rivas: 08:30 am - 04:30 pm Saturdays 08:30 am - 12:00 pm
The international airport of Costa Esmeralda: This is a single-window bank type of service. Due to the pandemic, the service is closed. They will open once the Airport is open again.
San Juan del Sur: 08:30 am - 04:30 pm Saturdays 08:30 am - 12:00 pm 50 mts East from El Timon Restaurant
