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humidity: 66%
wind: 8.37 mph

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PRICE REDUCED: Ocean view homesite near Playa Los Perros & Playa Colorado. Elevated site with sunrise and whitewater views, close to Rancho Santana amenities.


Take advantage of the newly reduced price for this exceptional ocean view homesite, previously listed at $239K, now offering unbeatable value. Perfectly positioned within walking distance to both Playa Los Perros and Playa Colorado, this moderately elevated building site provides a breathtaking vista looking south along the beach at Hacienda Iguana. While it basks in the tranquil ambiance of Rancho Santana's luxurious amenities, the property also offers unparalleled sunrise and whitewater views. Nestled within a serene forest setting, the natural terrain creates a buffer from neighboring properties, ensuring privacy and intimacy. With ample land available, this homesite presents a golden opportunity for potential homeowners to get creative with their architectural designs, making it the ideal location to bring your dream coastal retreat to life.